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Hi! I'm Amanda

As a mother to a toddler, I understand first hand the pressures, guilt, confusion and overwhelming emotions that come with being a parent.


I have always been drawn to a more healthy lifestyle but I was horrified to learn all the chemicals and harmful things in food, medicine, home and personal care products that could negatively effect my baby's health. How could items that are made specifically for babies be so dangerous? The truth about baby products, routine medical procedures preformed during and after delivery and the ingredients in baby foods and snacks infuriated me! I am so passionate about providing new parents with information and options so that every child can have a healthy foundation that will last a lifetime.  


I hope to inspire and empower new parents as they venture through this journey leading their children down a healthy path.  


Be prepared to have most, if not all the people in your life not understand your new life choices. Stand strong knowing you are not alone and you are indeed making a decision that will greatly benefit your children for years to come. 

Living a holistic lifestyle can be extremely isolating at times but I try to surround myself with likeminded people who remind me of the tremendous rewards that go along with the frustrations.



My Health Struggles 



At birth I was diagnosed with severe acid reflux, suffered from chronic ear infections and took many antibiotics causing an overall weak immune system. By adolescence, I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances and androgen driven cystic acne. To combat these issues I was put on birth control as well as an anti-depressant. Then, horrific stomach issues with pains that sent me to the ER on multiple occasions. Prognosis: Gastritis - Nexium was prescribed.   


But the turning point in my health struggles happened one morning in May, a couple months after my 20th birthday when I suffered a Pulmonary Embolism.  Baffled medical staff concluded I had been taking an extremely dangerous birth control that caused two blood clots in my lung. 


This dangerous birth control combined with a genetic blood clotting mutation, Factor V Leiden as well as its sister mutation MTHFR caused a nearly fatal outcome! Five years later I got pregnant with my son. It was a high risk pregnancy that including seeing multiple doctors, regular sonograms and daily injections of blood thinner to prevent clotting. My son was born healthy at 37 weeks. 


After being failed by doctors for many years I learned how to be my own advocate. 


Knowing your family medical history is essential in your decisions and lifestyle. In my case, it was a matter of life and death. I use these experiences as my second chance, I now utilize every resource around me to ensure myself and my loved ones are not put in the situations I faced in the past. 


Today, I am medication free.

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